Bus transportation

Bus Transport Company BEAS

Complex services in passenger transport

High quality and safe transport with our own buses in Slovakia and abroad ... it will provide bus transport company BEAS

About us

Bus transport company Pavol Bekeš-BEAS is a company with years of experience, which offers its customers domestic and international Bus transportation. Our company operates on the market since 2002 on the basis of trade license. Today we drive across the whole Europe. Thanks to our experienced drivers who meet all the requirements for a mass bus transportation of people and our modern fleet of vehicles in the region High Tatry, we can satisfy even the most demanding clients.


Bus transport Company BEAS now has 3 vehicles, which are certified and classified in the IRU, including two large buses Mercedes and Karosa and externally we also provide VIP services to our customers with vehicle Volkswagen Sharan.

A varied range of our services also includes shuttle services and transportation of passengers for sightseeing tours on behalf of travel agents.

Our experienced drivers and staff who are in their field at a high professional level and pass regular trainings take care of you throughout your journey and make sure your safe return back home.

BEAS in numbers:

100 000 km per year

A total of 800 000 km

20 000 passengers yearly